Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pippi Ole!

We all have childhood heroes or role models, maybe they were athletes, comic book heroes, or God forbid teachers (Parents are a given). Some of us make the right choices when choosing a person or mutant wolverine to look up to, others, like me, chose Pippi Longstocking.
Everyone knows Pippi, redheaded pigtailed, incredibly strong, has her own house, hates school, loves adventure, and bloody rich. Hey, except for the bloody rich part I pretty much lived up to my childhood dreams. My hair is more auburn and less I Love Lucy though.
What little girl wouldn't want to be her. I wouldn't want to be associated with someone who didn't identify with or at least enjoyed watching her. I remember She would come on Saturdays and Sundays on channel 5 right after lunch. I usually had tuna sandwiches, vegetarian baked beans, and Frito's (holy crap! my breath could of probably rendered someone unconscious. I should of tried that on my brother).
I would watch her raise hell through the storybook Swedish villages and hang out with Tommy and Annika. I got issues with Annika though, even at a young age I hated girls like her, it's probably what sparked my hatred towards all these modern day high-maintenance bitches. As you can tell I have a hard time being friends with these types of girls. Which is why I like guy friends, but not since I got married. Back to the point, I love Pippi so I've been working on a single speed in honor of her and her contribution to my outlook on life. It's not complete but I got a good start.

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